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Disinfestation and Environments

Disinfestation is a tool aimed at making the places in which we live healthy and safe. Ecol SIAM protects and prevents any type of infestation thanks to continuous sector updates and always keeping up with new techniques. We only use products certified by the Ministry of Health that respect man and the environment.

For this reason we are the choice of many public and private companies, we are specialists in the control of food pests by proposing monitoring interventions and ensuring control plans in accordance with the HACCP regulations. Our sector is very vast and ranges from interventions in apartments, to hotels, retirement homes, bakeries, restaurants, bars and any other place that requires care and attention

Is knowing insects and their habitats essential to preventing infestations?

This section is dedicated to cockroaches or cockroaches, it helps us recognize them and understand in which environments they live.

Cockroaches, commonly known as "cockroaches", are practically ubiquitous, and are found everywhere except at high altitudes (above 2000 m) and in the very cold temperatures of the poles.

They have a rather slow and complex development cycle that goes from 6 months in Blattella germanica to 14 months in Supella longipalpa, in which they undergo at least 5 or 6 molts. Their diet is mainly made up of sugary or starchy compounds, which is why domestic species are particularly dangerous for foodstuffs. Furthermore, they have the habit of regurgitating part of the food ingested and defecating while eating, making food products unsuitable for human consumption, both due to the bad odors they give off and because cockroaches host various pathogenic microorganisms in their intestines, capable of transmitting as many diseases. to man. Among the most frequent microorganisms are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, Enterobacteria, Salmonella spp and mycobacteria, while parasites include nematodes and tapeworms.

The most widespread species in Italy are 4: Blattella germanica, Blatta orientalis, Supella longipalpa and Periplaneta Americana.

The Blattella germanica is very small (not exceeding 2 cm), brown and very prolific. Due to its small size it is very infesting, as it is able to hide in every crevice, from window frames to refrigerator motors, from drawers to coffee machines. It has the particularity of being able to climb smooth and vertical walls and prefers very humid and dark environments.

Blatta orientalis, on the other hand, is a little larger, very dark in color and slower than Blattella germanica. It is less invasive as it has a longer development period (about a year) and is very sensitive to lack of water. For this reason it prefers cool, humid environments and is often found in sewer drains or cellars.


Supella longipalpa, on the other hand, is very similar to Blattella germanica, lighter in color, but does not require great humidity for its development, which in fact takes place in dry environments with very high temperatures. This too is not very invasive because it has a fairly long life cycle (14 months) and the oothecae in which the eggs are contained are very subject to drying out and deterioration. It is often found behind medium-height shelves and shelves.

The Periplaneta Americana is the largest of the four (up to 5 cm), with well-developed wings, even if not used, and a reddish-brown colour. It colonizes dark and damp environments and is found around sewer drains, bathroom pipes and in food warehouses.

As always, the fundamental aspect of fighting pests is prevention. In addition to the essential hygiene in the environments where food is processed or stored, and those in which we live.

There are many interventions to eliminate infestations, in particular it is necessary to carry out a flushing out treatment, a priming treatment through gel with residual action and the saturation of the infested places through thermonebioggens.

To solve the problem, contact us, our technicians are trained and constantly updated, inspections and estimates are totally free and without any cost obligation.

This section is dedicated to bed bugs

Specifically, the so-called bed bugs are very small insects that are part of the Cimex Iectularisu, parasites not to be confused with dust mites. Unlike dust mites, bed bugs are visible to the naked eye and feed on the warm blood of mammals (therefore also humans) and not on dead cells. Bed bugs have a length of around 6mm, with an oval shape and flat at the back, they are wingless insects (therefore they do not fly), but they move quickly on the walls, ceilings and floors of the house.

The name bed bugs derives from the habit of these insects of infesting mattresses and men's bedrooms as, as mentioned, they are attracted by their warm blood. The bed bug, in fact, is a haematophagous insect, meaning it feeds on blood. During the day they are inactive, while at night, attracted by the body temperature and the carbon dioxide produced by men when they sleep, they are very active.

The infestation by these bed insects is not dangerous for health and, unlike what was suspected in the past, it is not subject to the transmission of diseases of any kind. The bed bug bite causes the injection of an anesthetic, so much so that initially no discomfort is felt.

When not in use, mattress bugs hide in cracks in walls, under carpets, in electrical outlets, behind damaged wallpaper and in baseboards. Domestic environments are those preferred by bed bugs, so much so that it is also possible to find them in hotels and healthcare facilities, or any closed, warm place where human beings sleep.

Prevention, treatment and disinfestation against bed bugs

After knowing more about what a bed bug looks like, we can address the problem of how to prevent and treat infestation by these insects. We have previously specified how bed bugs are insects that spread in warm domestic environments, but not due to poor hygiene. In fact, bed bugs also attack clean places, as it is not dirt or dust that acts as a catalyst. Their spread is due to various factors, especially the greater resistance that these insects have developed over time.

What to do when you get bitten by mattress bugs

In case of a bed bug bite, what should you do? The effect of this sting is the appearance of a skin rash and localized itching in the affected area. Given the anesthetic effect of the injected substance, the signs and symptoms of the sting may appear after a few hours or even a few days later. When there is an infestation by bed bugs, more often than not multiple bites appear at the same time, as each bed bug sucks blood from different points of the body. The parts of the body most affected are the hands, neck, face and arms, i.e. those uncovered during sleep.

Bed bugs do not transmit diseases, but their bites can, in some cases, cause unwanted effects such as:

    feeling dizzy; chest pain; shortness of breath; fever; swelling of the tongue; difficulty swallowing.

In the presence of these symptoms it is essential to contact a doctor and evaluate the situation and any specific treatments on a case-by-case basis. It should also be remembered that, in most cases, the effect of bed bug bites disappears within a week, without any type of treatment.

This section is dedicated to Fleas



Fleas are one of the most widespread problems for those who have pets (and not only).

In fact, we are talking about one of the most widespread parasites in the world (there are more than two thousand types) and which can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for your health. Both of the animals themselves and of humans. Eliminating fleas is possible, but often much more complicated than you might think.

The origin of the infestation

It is essential not only to remove fleas that can be seen with the naked eye or those that may have affected your pet, but to get to the bottom of the problem. This is to prevent the problem from recurring or from affecting other people living in the house. We must therefore look for the place where the fleas are concentrated. With special systems we are able to quickly track down fleas and carry out a thorough and decisive disinfestation treatment.

Cleaning objects and surfaces

Before starting any type of flea treatment, be it chemical or natural, it is essential to wash and clean all items of clothing that may have been involved, fabrics (sofa covers, sheets, blankets, etc.), and the dog's bed. and the various objects the animals came into contact with and even the floors. For surfaces it is possible to use the vacuum cleaner, taking care to empty and wash it after cleaning and to immediately take the garbage bag out to prevent fleas from spreading again in the house.

Diseases and problems related to the presence of fleas

Even a single flea can be responsible for the transmission of serious diseases and problems, both for the health of humans and that of their pets. Among the main risks linked to flea bites we find allergies, dermatitis and the transmission of parasites responsible for other pathologies. In the case of dogs it is then possible to record debilitation and weight loss, phenomena that must be treated quickly to avoid even more serious consequences.

This section is dedicated to ants


Ants can cause a long-lasting and difficult to combat infestation. These tiny insects represent a serious problem especially when they manage to settle in the kitchen. When we see these insects the question that comes to us is "How to eliminate ants?"

The best period for the proliferation of ants is spring while the environments they prefer are rooms where food is stored, in a domestic environment it is the kitchen. Ants in the kitchen can cause considerable damage unless immediate action is taken when the first signs arise.

Ants travel long distances in search of food, create safe trails and concentrate around food sources. The presence of ants is signaled by accumulations of dust around small holes found at the base of the external walls. Ant infestations usually have a seasonal nature, occurring especially in the spring and summer months.

The recurring questions/phrases that are asked when these small insects appear are "natural remedy against ants", "how to eliminate ants from the kitchen?" and many others. Remedies against ants can be natural remedies but sometimes they are not very effective.

When we manage to eliminate the ants we must subsequently take precautions to avoid falling into the problem again. There are small measures that serve as prevention, for example when we have identified the access points we must block them to prevent access. Keeping the environments where the ants have settled clean is an excellent prevention. When we cook in the kitchen and we are finished we must be careful to clean the surfaces we have used.

The fact remains that it is an apparently harmless insect but its infestation should absolutely not be underestimated.

We at Ecol SIAM are constantly updated on methods, systems and activities to be carried out in case of infestations and we offer you concrete and targeted solutions

Below are some reference images of these insects specifying that the most widespread in our environments are:

    Black ant (Lasius niger) Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) Argentinian ant (Linepithema humile) Acrobata ant (Crematogaster scutellaris)

This section is dedicated to.....

Insect disinfestation of foodstuffs

By food insects and mites we mean the pests that attack food. The number of species that typically attack food products is very high (the most common ones being the gray flour moth and the cocoa moth, of the Lepidoptera family, also known as food moths). The products most attacked are pasta and flour but also seeds, nuts, dried fruit, coffee, ham, tobacco, etc. are at risk of infestation. The damage caused by these insects can be truly extensive, because in addition to making food supplies unconsumable, they can also damage machinery and the environments themselves, as with their activity they cause heat and humidity and consequently favor the appearance of mould. Ecol SIAM helps to identify and eliminate the source of the infestation so as to be able to achieve and then maintain the maximum level of environmental hygiene in warehouses, silos, companies and in general in environments where food products are stored or treated .

Below we indicate the most well-known pests although we always remain aware that these are the specific insects of the topic we are dealing with but they are not the only ones and we must always pay attention to both those reported in the previous sections and other insects that are not listed on our site .

As usual I associate the images with the insects shown below, so that you can pay more attention if you see one, know that we have the solution, don't wait until there become too many

    Gray flour moth and Tignola fasciataFlour borerTobacco anobium and Bread anobiumWheat weevil and Rice weevilCappuccinoCereal weevilCryptolesteFlour weevilSilvano

This section is dedicated to...


We DO NOT kill bees. These insects must be protected, in case of infestation we transfer the colony to a beekeeper.

Bees, wasps and hornets are insects not to be underestimated, with their stings they can cause even serious allergic reactions, and episodes of anaphylactic shock can occur in those at risk.

Some people still think they can solve this problem for free by calling the fire department, but this service is no longer available. The intervention of specialized companies is therefore necessary.

Wasps and Hornets

The wasp honeycomb (nest) can be of different sizes and can contain up to 20,000 units. Wasps are very aggressive and are willing to defend their hive at the cost of their own lives. They attack the invader making themselves dangerous due to the poison they secrete with their bites. The hornet, being much larger, has a greater quantity of venom and is therefore even more dangerous.

Distinguishing a wasp honeycomb from a bee honeycomb is quite easy: the wasp honeycomb is larger and much darker.

Our intervention methodology: consists of the mechanical removal of the honeycomb, and disinfestation through the nebulization of biocidal products capable of guaranteeing residuality and discouraging the formation of a new honeycomb.

What not to do in the presence of Vesepe Bees or Hornets?

We must always be very careful, do not try to destroy or disturb the honeycomb. The operation is very risky, and many people face serious consequences, often underestimating the situation.

HACCP Pest Monitoring

Pest monitoring plans ensure the safety and hygiene of your business. Thanks to qualified professionals, ECOL SIAM offers efficient control capable of quickly identifying infestations and solving the problem before the consequences are irreversible. Our HACCP pest monitoring service that we offer to food companies includes timely checks throughout the production process and the management of documentation to be shown in the event of inspections by health authorities. Furthermore, the latter is synonymous with quality towards customers and institutions. Failure to monitor pests can, among other things, lead to an administrative fine of up to 1,000 euros, without neglecting the loss of reputation.

Our pest control programs, in addition to the usual installations required by current legislation, also guarantee and ensure

Specific staff training

Our experts will train you on how to detect the first signs of infestation. Employee awareness ensures immediate detection and resolution of any pest problem.

Monitoring and certifications

Thanks to our constant monitoring we are able to intervene accurately on the entire structure and prevent the problem from recurring in the future, so as to definitively eradicate the infestation.

Updated reports and inspection visits

Through our expert biologists and entomologists, we will provide updated reports on the treatments in progress in order to certify the commitment you are putting into making your customers feel good.

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