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Why avoid DIY remedies?

Deratization is a complex process that must be evaluated based on the cases and different cases. There are many DIY products on the market, but most of the time they only serve to postpone the phenomenon or postpone the intervention of a professional. The mouse is a very evolved species if not among the most evolved and in the vast majority of cases the animal, before obtaining food and/or establishing loyalty with the environment, sends the old man of the colony forward who evaluates the places and reports to the colony if the place and foods present in that area are reliable or not. With the products on sale in DIY it is certainly possible to capture and/or poison the elderly person in the colony but all the other members strengthen their knowledge of the logos and manage to create their own safe environment, forcing us to resort to more expensive shelters and longer in terms of resolution of the phenomenon. This is why we at Ecol SIAM constantly train our staff, and study the species so as to ensure that we are continually prepared. Our advice is always the same at the first alarm bell, contact us, the inspection is free and a specialized technician will be happy to evaluate the costs for resolving the problem without causing you much bigger problems and without emptying your wallet.

Are mice and rats the same thing?

Customers often ask us: how many types of mice are there? It is a habit to say: I saw a mouse, but most of the time we know nothing about this animal and we are not able to give specifics that help us define their nature and characteristics. This is why below we will try to give specific indications to understand what type of animal we are talking about

We shouldn't get confused, because mice and rats are different from each other. It's true that the important thing is to understand each other, but the differences are great. Let's find out together which species exist and what they are characterized by

The house mouse (Mus domesticus), the sewer rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the roof rat (Rattus rattus).

House mouse

(house mouse)

The house mouse has an appearance characterized by short and shiny fur that varies from light brown to black-grey. The fur covers the entire body except the legs, ears, tail and tip of the snout which have a pinkish gray color. The body of the typical house mouse is about 7-10 centimeters long, the tail is clearly visible, slightly longer than the body and is slightly hairy. The weight of the house mouse is approximately 20-25 grams, on the contrary laboratory mice are significantly heavier and white in color, often reaching 40-65 grams. This is the text area for this paragraph. To edit it, click here and start typing. The habitat of the house mouse in Europe is concentrated almost exclusively near people, the inhabited house is the preferred residence of the house mouse, as well as farms, supermarkets and food companies. Every shelter present in a building is potentially suitable for the house mouse, so only the quantity of food influences the number of mice that can infest it. A source of water for the house mouse is not strictly necessary, as the water contained in the food portion is normally sufficient for it to survive. The house mouse is essentially the most widespread species of rodents. This type of pest prefers to move after sunset or in any case tries to avoid light sources. During the day the mouse rests in its burrow which it builds with various types of materials that it finds around, such as grass, cardboard and fabric.

The Roof Rat or Black Rats

(Rattus rattus)

The Roof Rat is an animal that can measure more than 30 cm. It is agile and supple. Being an excellent climber, he exploits the environment in a three-dimensional way. Sometimes you see one balancing on a wire stretched in mid-air.

It can build nests in the trees of a forest surrounding the house or in those in the garden. In buildings it settles mainly in the upper parts. Frequents: roofs, attics, balconies, pergolas; and at the first cold weather or in search of food, it occasionally enters houses. It feeds on cereals, fresh fruits, but also on all types of food waste.

Wild mouse

(Apodemus sylvaticus)

The wild mouse is almost 9 cm long, to which must be added the tail which is almost the same length. It weighs approximately 18 g and its appearance is characterized by its light brown-brown fur with some white parts on the belly and legs. The field mouse has rounded ears and large, black eyes, and its hind legs are much longer than its front ones. It differs from other common mice because its ears and tail are slightly smaller in proportion, especially the tail which rarely exceeds the size of the body in length. Its habitat is often found in the vicinity of humans, and occasionally it is considered harmful. In Italy there are two subspecies, especially in the north. The wild mouse is one of the species present for the longest time in our peninsula. Contrary to what the name might suggest, wild mice prefer to live in hedges and woodsheds rather than in wooded areas. However, these animals adapt to any place, which is why it is possible to find them in various environments: from the sea, to the woods, to rural areas, to pine forests and even in the immediate vicinity of homes or even inside homes. The wild mouse is a mostly nocturnal animal but it is not uncommon to see it during the day too. They are thought to live in family-based colonies because they are usually seen in quite large groups. Each wild mouse colony has its own territory which has an average extension of approximately 1000 m2. In this territory they dig tunnels and galleries which converge the underground nests covered with finely shredded grass. They also often take over abandoned bird nests to use as dens, even if they are located at a considerable height above the ground. Wild mice are very fast and to move quickly they often make long jumps that reach up to one metre. They feed mainly on cereals, nuts, seeds, fruit, insects, mushrooms. Males prefer insects to plants while females do not.

Gray Rat, Sewer Rat or Sewer Rat

(Rattus norvegicus)

The Sewer Rat is larger than the Roof Rat, and has a stout appearance. As a result of a more robust build, he is clumsy in his movements and climbs with some difficulty. It is a skilled underground tunnel digger that digs up to take refuge and build its nest. It also swims for long distances.

In the suburbs it lives on the banks of watercourses, in vegetated slopes and in landfills. In the city it resides in parks, drains and sewers. The sewer rat frequents the lower parts of buildings. It is an animal that eats everything: seeds, fruits, plant roots, urban waste, etc.

We learned to recognize them from here


Our motto has always been and continues to be to let others do what they do better than us. In this section we have told you how it is possible to worsen infestations and we have also given you important information on how to recognize these animals. Our estimates are free and always include an inspection.

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